
Creating a Saving Plan in 4 Easy Steps


Creating a Saving plan is the setting aside of a little portion of your money or resources for a fixed period of time in order to reach a particular financial goal. It is more like setting a goal for your finances. Having a saving plan comes with so many benefits to aid you with your […]

10 Easy Ways of Saving Money with Examples


Saving money is the keeping or setting aside of a portion of your income after spending and other bills are deducted from earnings for future use. Savings represent money that is otherwise idle and not being put at risk with investments or spent on consumption. Generally saving money refers to the act of setting aside […]

What is Savings: Everything you need to know


Savings is the process of keeping money, leftover of your income for a long or short period of time till when it is needed to be in use. Savings are the money you have left after paying for things you need, like food and bills. Saving is important because it helps you stay financially secure, […]